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Please note: This class is NOT being run by Bikram OHYP. Please contact me, Francesca, directly with all your enquiries, or book using the link below.

**If you would like to practise Yin Yoga at Bikram OHYP on a regular basis, please support this event.**

Pure Yin Yoga classes are suitable for EVERY body. No particular flexibility, coordination, balance, fitness, age (or anything else you believe might limit you) required.

If you would prefer to book via text message, please contact me on 0434 969812.

WHEN: WEDNESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY TIME: 6:00PM-7:30PM WHERE: c/- Bikram OHYP, 179 Claisebrook Rd, Perth, WA 6000 INVESTMENT: $25 BRING: Your own mat and, if you wish, a blanket to cover yourself in Shavasana TERMS: Booking and pre-payment necessary, as there are only 12 spaces available. Please book using link below, then pay via bank transfer. Class is transferrable before commencement, but non-refundable.

Please include your NAME and the word “OHYP” in the transfer description.

Account Details
Account name: Francesca Mazzotti
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 016-341
Acc No: 466256892